Intelektuālie rezultāti
Šī projekta ietvaros tiek izstrādāti sekojoši intelektuālie rezultāti:
1) Intellectual Output n.1: Creation of the profile of the EMA (European Mobility Advisor)
The EMA competence profile will be based on ECVET guidelines and will describe the key activities (unit of competence) and the knowledge and skills related to each activity. It will be created by youth workers from the associations involved in the project and by researchers / trainers. The EMA skills profile is addressed to EMAs, the organizations in which they work and other stakeholders.
2) Intellectual Output n.2: realization of the Expertise Checkup Guide
The guide will contain the methodology for the assessment and validation of skills, based on the Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning (2012) and on the European Guidelines for the validation of non-formal and informal learning - Cedefop (2016), Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop reference series; No 104. The Guide is addressed to EMA evaluators, researchers and other stakeholders.
The tool will be created by youth workers and researchers / trainers from the associations involved in the project.
3) Intellectual Output n.3: Web based assessment tool
Self-assessment tool for EMAs, accessible by registered users. The tool will be found within the project site. It is based on the Expertise Checkup Guide and on the EMA skills profile. The tool will be created by youth workers, researchers / trainers and technicians.
4) Online course for EMA evaluators
Online course for EMA evaluators, aimed at EMAs who wish to become evaluators.
The course will be structured in units, each of which specific learning outcome.
At the end of each unit it will be possible to measure the results achieved.
The course will last 40 hours. Each participant who has successfully completed the course will receive a final certificate with the qualification of assessor.
The tool will be created by youth workers and researchers / trainers from the associations involved in the project.